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HOME > 고객센터 > 사용후기
  물고기 단추꿰기 [0012_00067] 2009.11.12 19:04
글쓴이 : 김혜미 조회 : 474
만들고 나면 훨~씬 색도 이뿌고 소근육 발달에 아주 많이 도움이 될 것 같아요~
조카가 "꼬기~ 꼬기~" 하면서 아주 좋아하구... ㅋㅋ
벌써 만들어서 솜씨자랑방에 올렸어요~ ㅋ
글쓴이 비밀번호
  • Rayshelon
    aw thank you so much! ACTUALLY, i am going to be in la jolla for a week in september — and i was thinking of driving up to los angeles to visit friends at a concert for a day or two! i’ll email yo;28#230;&30u. xo http://fvcbreb.com [url=http://dpuvpmhlzpb.com]dpuvpmhlzpb[/url] [link=http://vdsgkgklr.com]vdsgkgklr[/link]
    2016.05.14 16:02 댓글 삭제
  • Bobbo
    Merci pour ce post des plus intéressants, comme vous le dites cela donne l'impression d'avoir trouvé le ticket d'or de Willy Wonka...Les étniircassemelcs sur la pâte à choux sont top, mais je me demande encore plus comment la foret noire en forme de cerise est réalisée ? En moule spécial, seulement avec la creme, puis direction congélateur, on retire le moule et on trempe dans la couverture ? Pourriez-vous s'il vous plait confirmer, ce gateau me rend dingue...
    2016.05.13 15:20 댓글 삭제
  • Ellen
    Based on some of the comments, I’m sorry I hanv;’et finished the episode. Nonetheless, mayo over Miracle Whip always. Congrats on the plans to move, Stennie — kudos to your bosses! Does this mean you will totally work from home? That would be an interesting transition if I had to do it. Just wanted to say hello and make sure the number of comments didn’t stay on 13! http://wzyhdqmpz.com [url=http://cewqqhsqypf.com]cewqqhsqypf[/url] [link=http://zkadnjwsejp.com]zkadnjwsejp[/link]
    2016.05.12 01:54 댓글 삭제
  • Robinson
    Actually, a more less equal tax system would force illegal Latins and others to pay income taxes. Get rid of the income tax credit and still keep the rates for the rich not increase. Texas has grown and if Texas would go ahead with a remittance tax on money sent back to Mexico a new regression tax then they would make some money from their illegal imrigmants.
    2016.05.10 17:28 댓글 삭제
  • Kristabelle
    Débora disse:OiEstou com uma dúvida: iremos em outubro. Pelo site tem show das águas somente aos sábados e domingos. Mas já vi em vários guias, inclusive no da Folha, que ese show só tem até ៰setembro! Poderia me esclarecer? Caso positivo, deve ser lotado não?! E vc aconselha o show noturno? É mais bonito que o diurno. Também temos um pouco de receio de voltar à noite no trem… Mais uma vez muito obrigada!
    2016.05.10 01:55 댓글 삭제
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